Wednesday 4 June 2014

Reason Number 1

I have officially entered the REAL digital age, with an iPhone 5s (don't ask me what that actually means besides "the newest version").  Now, I have never claimed to be tech savvy, in fact often actually believing, and convincing others with undeniable stories, that I have a magnet inside me that makes technology misbehave in my presence.  So far, I have learned to take pictures, check the weather, check Google for recipes (most important function if you ask me) and am on Instagram! (Twiggy_75!  Follow me!!)  Ok, so I've only done one photo and have four followers, but at least I'm in the New Age.

But the point of this entry, and others to come I'm sure, is reasons why I SHOULD NOT have this fancy and expensive of a phone.

Reason 1:

I am outside with Knox (forcing him outdoors, he'd rather be inside on the iPad watching Digimon or Pokemon videos - I think he's somewhat allergic to fresh air) planting herbs and flowers in the pretty pots the boys made me for Mother's Day.  Knox is wanting to destroy plants rather than put them in soil (I'm getting a little resistance in my idyllic spring fantasy here) but we finally get them in and get the hose going to water them.  So nice.

BUT, a while ago Rogue took off on rollerblades (awkwardly but independently, good on him) to go to his friends house.  Current house rule is that he has to call or text on his iPod (this entry is like an ad for Apple products I am noting…) when he gets to friend's house.  You know, to reassure me he hasn't been kidnapped by evil strangers.  So I have the house phone and my new iPhone on the driveway nearby, to get the call.  Feeling the build up of the story here??

Back to watering.  The water is pouring over the edge of the pots, Knox is having fun doing it…and I finally track the water trail down the driveway…across both phones.  Insert whatever appropriate expletive you feel is appropriate here, I think I said them all.  But thanks to the hardy, ugly protective phone case Rogue made my buy, the phone is SAFE and DRY.  If I had bought the cute, sassy Kate Spade one I wanted, I may not have been so lucky (insert grateful, subdued thank you here).

I'd like to believe this is the only entry of this kind, but I am what I am.

Monday 12 May 2014

Just Like Mom

With the miracles of technology, one day a new channel appeared on our tv, called Gusto (right below Food Network), and I happened across a show called My Kitchen Rules.  Its an Aussie cooking show (home cooks not chefs) and the use of the f-word is frequent and accented, regardless of the age of the person using it.  It also doesn't get edited by the network, which I think is likely due to the lyrical way it's cast about during the show.

Now, this is going to seem like I'm going to go on a tangent here, but it will all tie together in the end like a fine novel.

Rogue is trying to be responsible and said he wanted me to login to a new website, but it may have bad words in it, but he had seen this blogger before and it had been fine.  So, I told him I'd login to it, but he had to report back to me what bad words were said during the webcast (is that even the right work there??) afterwards.  And, like the truth-telling kid we've raised him to be, he reported back that he said S-H-I-T once and G-O-D twice.  I said that was okay (low grade swear words), so he could watch it again.

Tying the plot back to the cooking show…Rogue has taken an interest in watching cooking shows with me, including MKR (as us fans call it).  We're happily watching this (it comes on four days a week, like a soap opera!!!) and he says "Mommy, what did they say there, when he was describing the fish?"  Yep, the f-bomb was used as an adjective in this particular case, and apparently I'm okay with it if its real people using it in a kitchen, not in games.  Hmmm.  Parenting is not so cut and dried.

Related, Knox decided to watch it with us tonight, too.  He paid more attention than I thought, and figured that if we went on the show, we could layer bagels with toast, alternating butter with honey and cinnamon spread, with fruit around it on the plate for "colour and taste".  He figured that was a winning combination.  Just for comparison purposes, other meals on the show today included "seared duck breasts with cherry compote" and "eel anouki with nori strips".  For those similarly aged folks who read this, I think Knox would be appropriate for that cooking show on when I was a kid called "Just Like Mom" where kids use horrible ingredients (ketchup, molasses, chocolate chips), bake it, and then the moms had to taste them all and identify the terrible concoction their child created.  Yum.  I think with a white chef's hat Knoxy would look quite dominating and debonair in the kitchen, and he does enjoy cracking eggs even though he has to wash his hands IMMEDIATELY afterwards (he has never been a fan of stickiness).

This past week was my birthday and Mother's Day.  This results in what I like to call Birthday Week.  Dan and I always take off five days from work (we do this for his birthday too) and do day-dates.  This little mini-holiday just maaay be a secret from the kids.  We just happen to be wearing sweats when we take them to the bus, and already be home when they get out of school, and Rogue was starting to figure it out by Friday so…the jig is likely up next year.  We did things like go golfing (this was on day 5 AFTER the 9 inches of snow from the weekend melted), had a two hour lunch, watched Netflix…just good, clean fun.  I also got gifts like hand painted plant pots, a letter and picture from from Knox, all home made which are the best type of presents.  I'll always remember how many years my mom kept this sad little tissue paper tree I made her in kindergarten.  On her night stand, likely a fine home for six generations of dust mites.  I finally made her throw it out as an adult, but secretly I was a bit thrilled at how long she kept it.  I'm trying to keep that alive for my kids, too.

I'll try to blog again before another season passes…but no promises.