Wednesday 4 June 2014

Reason Number 1

I have officially entered the REAL digital age, with an iPhone 5s (don't ask me what that actually means besides "the newest version").  Now, I have never claimed to be tech savvy, in fact often actually believing, and convincing others with undeniable stories, that I have a magnet inside me that makes technology misbehave in my presence.  So far, I have learned to take pictures, check the weather, check Google for recipes (most important function if you ask me) and am on Instagram! (Twiggy_75!  Follow me!!)  Ok, so I've only done one photo and have four followers, but at least I'm in the New Age.

But the point of this entry, and others to come I'm sure, is reasons why I SHOULD NOT have this fancy and expensive of a phone.

Reason 1:

I am outside with Knox (forcing him outdoors, he'd rather be inside on the iPad watching Digimon or Pokemon videos - I think he's somewhat allergic to fresh air) planting herbs and flowers in the pretty pots the boys made me for Mother's Day.  Knox is wanting to destroy plants rather than put them in soil (I'm getting a little resistance in my idyllic spring fantasy here) but we finally get them in and get the hose going to water them.  So nice.

BUT, a while ago Rogue took off on rollerblades (awkwardly but independently, good on him) to go to his friends house.  Current house rule is that he has to call or text on his iPod (this entry is like an ad for Apple products I am noting…) when he gets to friend's house.  You know, to reassure me he hasn't been kidnapped by evil strangers.  So I have the house phone and my new iPhone on the driveway nearby, to get the call.  Feeling the build up of the story here??

Back to watering.  The water is pouring over the edge of the pots, Knox is having fun doing it…and I finally track the water trail down the driveway…across both phones.  Insert whatever appropriate expletive you feel is appropriate here, I think I said them all.  But thanks to the hardy, ugly protective phone case Rogue made my buy, the phone is SAFE and DRY.  If I had bought the cute, sassy Kate Spade one I wanted, I may not have been so lucky (insert grateful, subdued thank you here).

I'd like to believe this is the only entry of this kind, but I am what I am.