Tuesday 14 May 2013

Chariots of Fire

As we do every year, Dan and I took last week off (always the week of my birthday and Mother's day).  And yes, there MAY have been assorted gifts and the time off may have taken shape like Oprah's favourite things (but are Treena's instead).  We like to have day-dates, those activities we used to do as a couple, before we had kids.  Golf in the middle of a week day (we were both a good 40 years younger than all the other groups), and Dan was one of two men waiting to tee off.  I thought it may be a good business opportunity for us, with him taking on a second job of gigalo (how DO you spell that word??) We also biked across part of Fish Creek, then spoiled it grandly by having beer and wings on a patio, with the sun baking us.  It has been a LONG LONG winter.  And not that the kids were neglected.  We played ball, threw the aerobie, went for bike rides.  Basically, the most active I've been in about five years, all in one week.

Which brings me to my New Thing.  I run now.  Yes, me.  I know the three people who read this, and have known me either my whole life or many years, think I must be fibbing or exaggerating at this point.  Jenn feels this demonstrates all the signs of a nervous breakdown, and is coming on the next plane from Saskatoon.  Historically, I do not run.  I do not choose sports that include a running component.  I would speed walk from a fire or mugger. I have mocked people who run, stating statistics that include fun facts like 50% of people who die of a heart attack are regular runners.  Sure, the other argument is that the remaining 50% were fatties with bacon clad arteries.

Speaking of arteries, whipping cream has been present in the fridge this last week, too.  Bought twice, a litre at a time (in the guise of having it on strawberry shortcake, which we did do).  This significantly contradicts any physical gains I have made since starting the running.  Like the old lady in the Frank's hot ads, I put that $^!% on everything!  I heavy handedly pour it over bananas, then sprinkle the contents of the bowl with refined white sugar.  Then I make alfredo sauce from scratch, then drizzle it over enriched white pasta.  I wash it down with a cider, which is not on any diets either.

Back to running.  I'm a bit like Bridget Jones as I embark on this, feeling the need to acquire all the stuff necessary to be successful at this.  Luckily, coinciding with my birthday made it so I didn't need to buy it all myself.  Got new pink shoes, yellow shirt and yellow/black shorts (think flight of the bumblebee), and Dan showed me how to make my nano track all the important stuff when I run, like pace, distance, time.  It's like having a new toy!  And now I'm making progress, so I'm getting addicted!  (to the running not the stuff, although new bras that weren't worn when 4 Non Blondes were on the radio, are on the agenda - gotta keep the ladies limber).  

Coming to the end of the allotted space.  Coming soon:  blog titled "I quit running today."

1 comment:

  1. I am both shocked and impressed. This is going to be a good year. And of course whipping cream goes on everything. Obviously.
