Wednesday 7 November 2012

A Weekend with Jenn

So this is what a weekend with Jenn entails:  clean towels with a brand new soap waits for you in your bedroom.  You get to buy fancy cheeses and drink it with a wine you choose together at the provincially owned liquor store.  You go to stores that feature local artisans, and feel the pride of the area surround you.  You make Bailey's from scratch, and have a nip with breakfast.  You have a nap, guiltlessly, in the middle of the day, knowing your hostess is doing the same.  You drive around a city that values family and morals above having open houses and open restaurants on a Sunday.  You laugh until you cry.  You leave knowing that you've just spent time with a true friend.  Thanks Jenn, for everything.


  1. That is great and all but I think there might be a photo or two missing from a certain makeover!! Seriously glad you two ladies had a good weekend.

  2. What a terrific weekend. So grateful for you, Treena.
