Wednesday 14 November 2012

First of all, this photo has nothing to do with today's blog.  But note the tiny smiley faces on Rogue's toes, and the little faces in the background.  These boys always share the SAME SQUARE on the couch, then wonder why they don't get along.  They play, then fight, then play some more.  When they do fight, the best punishment is telling them they are FORBIDDEN to play together, that they must stay alone in their rooms for an indiscriminate length of time.  This inevitably leads to them sneaking out of their rooms, plotting against me, to continue their role playing without my knowledge.  I love that type of deception.  I mean, who's deceiving who?

So I arrive today in Vancouver for a health and well being conference for persons with disabilities and...the sun is shining, the grass is GREEN, and the trees still have leaves.  WTF???  Am I still in Canada?  I have just left the land of snow, slippery roads and tobogganing and have arrived one hour later (or at exactly the same time when you account for the time change) in the month of September.  I have successfully travelled in time!!!  Went for dinner with the co-worker I am here with, and then sent some drunken texts (I am still learning) to my husband, which I always seem to do on these occasions.  I also got upgraded to a king sized SUITE, which is at least four times the size of the hotel room Dan and I had in New York.  I have my very own kitchen, circa early 80s, complete with a Kelvinator stove and a smell right out of Grandma's house.  Yeah, that's right.  You heard me.  I do have a beautiful, close up view of the downtown core out my patio window, which is pretty cool.  Tomorrow's sessions run from 8:30-8:30, which seems a bit much.  It includes supper,which I am anticipating to be sandwiches and fruit.  If I aim low I can only be impressed, right?  Okay, I'm heading to bed now  It's 8:49 locally, which means NEARLY 10:00 at home.  No wonder I'm exhausted.  Nighty night.

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