Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Elusive 5 km

Yes!  I finally reached the 5 km mark tonight!  That last 1000 meters has eluded me, seeming annoyingly difficult.  I'll let you in some of my inner dialogue during the run:

Treena:  This is getting hard.  I wanna quit.
Treena:  If you slow down, I'm gonna kick your ass.  Keep that pace up soldier!
Treena:  (whiny voice)  But it's taking forever...hey is that wild rhubarb?
Treena:  FOCUS!!  Stop getting distracted by the fauna.  Pay attention to what you are doing!  We're trying for a personal best here!
Treena:  There are tiny bugs all over my face (uugmmph) I think I swallowed one!!!  I'm stopping at that tree, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Treena:  I'll trip you and make you sorry...

And so it goes.  But, that devil voice won, and as a result I ran 5. 07 km in 31 minutes, with a pace of 6.17 minutes/km.  This is very good, for me.  And its crazy how pleased how I was by having the techno voice captured inside my iPod tell me that this was my longest work out so far.  I love that Siri!

I treated myself to a juice from Booster Juice after, which seems to be the Thighmaster of the 2010's.  All my staff who were born in the 90's guarantee me this is the road to eternity.  Meanwhile, I think of what my grandparents would have thought if I had told them this crazy idea of making a celery/carrot/spinach milkshake.  If I'm not mistaken, a similar concept was central to the plot of Popeye, and we all thought that was FUNNY.

Friday 6 September 2013

Catching up on photos

This post is important for a few reasons.  Each of these photos were chosen for a particular reason, listed below.  And, for all of you who know how technically un-savvy I am, I'll have you know I imported these photos from the camera all by myself, for the first time EVER!  Dan isn't even home right now!  Yes, I'm getting braver!

All these pictures are from our trip to Kelowna in July.

Rogue is always willing to to pose for me.

This is me swimming in deep water, without a floating device or wetsuit, for the first time in my life.  I've historically been afraid of water, but having the boys has made me have to face my fears.

Knoxy jumping off the dock in BC - also for the first time.

What I've always longed to do... run off the dock and jump in.  I've always admired the people who could do this.  Sometime, I will actually DIVE.  Every summer I up the ante some.

My mop-haired model.  How I love this picture.

My little boy.

There have been many comments made about how Dan and I have one kid each, in our image.  How Knox is Dan in looks and personality, but with my hair, skin and eye colour.  Rogue is a do over of me, with Dan's hair, skin and eye colour.  But when you look at these photos, there's no denying that they are brothers.  Check out those smiles.

School - Week One

Knoxy:  "There's only one person taller than me in grade 2...Mrs. Cooper."

Knoxy:  "But Mommy, I was just so HOT." (After baking in a sunbeam on the bus on a record setting 32 degree day in September.  He got in trouble for moving seats while the bus was travelling.)

Rogue: " I don't have to share my new soccer ball with other kids, do I?"