Friday 15 November 2013

My Kid's Babysitters

Reserve judgment for the parenting you will witness herein...

We have two babysitters who regularly take care of our kids while we are at home.  IPad takes care of Knox, and Laptop makes sure Rogue stays safe.  Now, these pairs can spend hours together - the house is SILENT.  Now, in the past week, the parental unit decided that the babysitters should switch kids once in a while.  Tonight was Knox's turn on Laptop.  Just to be clear, here, Rogue generally plays Minecraft on Laptop, and can also play it on his iPod (a secondary babysitter, called on in times of transition) but It's Not The Same.  Knox does not play Minecraft.

Within MINUTES of our arrival home, I see Rogue offer to spell what Knox wants on to look up on Laptop (spinning Laptop to face him).  Seems brotherly upon first glance.  I exit the room.  I should also mention that iPad is cast aside, cold and forgotten, this whole time.

I call the boys down to supper a time later, and Rogue says this: Knox let's watch something on the iPad, but just leave the computer alone since I'm still on it.   I say "Rogue, why are you on the computer?...Were you playing Minecraft????"  This is what I suspect happened once I left the room earlier:  "Knox, wanna see the new thing I built on Minecraft?  You'll think it's really cool!!!"  Knox is so gullible and easy going, and Rogue is shamelessly manipulative of him.  So, five minutes into Knox's time on Laptop, Rogue is playing Minecraft.  This speculation is based on years of observation.

Back to supper...Rogue hits the first stage of our confrontation:  Denial.  No Mommy, I mean, yes, but Knox wanted me to, he liked watching me and didn't mind.  I ramp him up quickly to stage two: Tearful Regret and Guilt.  He can watch it the rest of tonight, I won't do it anymore, I'm done!  Not enough, so I move him to stage three, Crying and Self-Pity, by grounding him off technology for the remainder of the night, 2.5 hours.

After he's done crying quietly into his Sloppy Joes, then my punishment begins.  He wants Knox to play with him, Knox doesn't want to and I support him in this decision (after all, he still has technology for a couple of hours).  Then he sulks over to me and wants to watch tv with me.  I say no, that if he still had the computer, he would be ignoring both of us completely (this momma's no second fiddle).  I tell him to go play with his thousands of dollars worth of Lego, or read a book, or...anything!!!

I have no doubt that Rogue will put these skills to good use someday, as a lawyer, politician, or middle manager.  Knox will start as a private in the army, great at doing what he is told, then eventually rise up to be a general, so he can finally, FINALLY, tell other people what to do.

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