Wednesday 13 November 2013

My Kids Are Remarkable

I know.  All parents think their kids are the smartest, funniest ones in the whole world.  That's our job as parents.  I am just finding that lately my boys are just cracking me up.  Last week, Rogue waxes nostalgic..."You know, when I was younger, I used to think that when you and Daddy talked about him firing people, that he started them on fire.  I know now that's not what you meant."  Let's discuss this for a minute.  How many years, exactly, did our young son think that his father was a homicidal pyromaniac?  Dan and I have laughingly talked about how the number of people he has let go is in the 50s, at least.  And all the while, our boy is envisioning Dan running a wooden match along his shoe, tossing it at a person, and WHOOSH.  This kid is literal and concrete in his thinking, let me tell ya.

Last night, Knox drew my smile on his rice with soya sauce.  That's right.  My smile.  I recognized it immediately.  He is an artist who uses highly unconventional mediums.  He does portraits.  I mean, we live in a society that immortalized a man who made large prints of tomato soup cans.  That Knox went on to eat the portrait only adds to the originality of his work.

Rogue has been playing indoor (thank God) soccer for the last month or so.  He's getting the hang of it, and seems to be less afraid of being hit with the ball.  Jenn, he reminds me a bit of you viewing volleyball to be like dodgeball.  Sadly, I don't think it's very parental to just have him sitting stationary and me kicking a ball at him over and over.  Ok, not parental, but psychologically that's desensitization.  Clinical, scientific and evidence based!   But my young fellow scored his second goal of the season on Sunday, and was named player of the game by his coach and last week's POTG.  And was I there to witness this pinnacle in his career?  Of course not, I was out with his grandmother and aunts, shopping and carrying on.  I'm proud of his growth and the expansion of his skills.  He really is growing up.

I'm going to add a couple of non-relevant photos, just to jazz up the post.

 This is from Knox's 7th birthday.  The girls, from left to right, 
are their cousins Ayden, Hadley and Tatumn.

This is, left to right, Alyssia, Knox, Kaitlyn and Rogue.  Alyssia and Knox are both seven, and Rogue and Kaitlyn are both nine.  These are Monica's two girls, who make me wish arranged marriages were acceptable in Canada.

1 comment:

  1. Do NOT throw balls at your kid! Jeepers. Have I taught you nothing?
